Friday, December 21, 2007


December 21, 2007

By: Bishop David Ighile

I have attached a message for you by from my Prophetic Group called the Elijah List. Here's what the Men of God has to say;

Dear Prophet David & Jesus For All Nations Ministry membership

The year 2008 will be a "Year of Acceleration" for God's people. God has already empowered His Church with gifts and anointing, and now He is about to press the accelerator and move the Church at speeds of life and growth not seen in recent history. God is ready to move us at "warp-speed" past old barriers and old obstacles that have stood in our way.
In 2008, God will accelerate the Church financially, relationally, and into a new anointing in the marketplace. This acceleration is not to get the world ready for His coming--but it is to get the Church up to eternal speed as we engage our calling. God will move His people at such an accelerated speed that the enemy will only see us as a blur. We will not be a vulnerable, slow-moving target as in years past. Satan will try to attack, but he will only be shooting at a blur. God will deny the enemy a stationary bull's eye.
• God will accelerate your restoration financially. You will ask, "How did God get us to this place of wholeness?"
• God will accelerate your broken relationships. You will ask, "How did God restore our fellowship?"
• God will accelerate your ministry. You will ask, "How did God open this closed door?"
The Lord is asking that we press into Him and sit down in the midst of His intimacy. This acceleration is not about human effort--it is about trust. Like a child that sits in the passenger seat of the family car while the father drives home at night, there is a sense of safety and security.
Take a seat. Hold on. Trust. God has positioned you to move with Him. He is beginning to press "the accelerator."

Garris' Biography:
Garris Elkins serves as Lead Pastor of the Living Waters Church in Medford, Oregon. His ministry, both nationally and internationally, is to strengthen and encourage the Church through teaching and prophetic ministry. Prior to coming to Oregon, Garris was based in Berlin, Germany, where he helped nurture and develop Eastern European church leaders. Garris has been married to his wife Jan for 34 years and they have two grown children.

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