Friday, May 11, 2007



Jesus teaches us to be careful about our speech because it has a direct bearing on what we do and who we become. You are what you say. Train yourself to speak the right words all the time. Child of God, God wants you and me to walk in victory, by speaking His word out in faith. Your words are important to your life. Our mouths can destroy us or make us. Be careful of what comes out of your mouth.

Confession of the Word of God must come from the heart. Some of us have learned the scriptures almost to show-off but we do not have them in our heart. They have not become part of us. Mark 4:15. “And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.”When you consider confession it is interesting how some of us can do really good when we are in church, but as soon as we get outside we forget the confession we made. The prayers we prayed are cancelled. The words we agreed with in the heat of the meeting we now destroy by our bad words and even worse attitudes.The devil is most active in church situations. Sometimes we think that he is most productive in the nightclubs and cinemas. However, his strategy in those kinds of places is simple. Set the thing in motion and leave it to unwind itself. In church he has to be more subtle. Sometimes he will offer us the GOOD in place of the BEST. There is a difference between 'good' and 'best'. Child of God,, do me a favor, FIGHT FOR BEST! Not just GOOD!
All our good ideas and quality decisions in response to the Word of God can count for nothing unless we protect that which we heard and our response to it.We should also remember that the devil is a highly qualified scholar of the Word of God. He knows how to abuse, misuse and confuse with God’s word. He did it in the Garden of Eden. He did it in the wilderness with Jesus. And he will do it with us if given a sniff of a chance. Dont allow him! Mark 4:16-17 “And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended.”
The devil will declare war on those who wish to follow the word of God. They will find they come under ferocious attack for one reason: the Word of God. Many of you make wise decisions in response to anointed preaching, and then, a few weeks later, you become discouraged, and wonder what happened to your good reponse to the annointed preaching. Dont be discouraged, dont ever stop saying the word. SPEAK IT, no matter what you see around you - however, it is important to match what you say with faith. Dont just say it. Say it and beleive because the word of God works! It works. It is Truth and it is proven. Do not worry about the situation around you.
When you pray there is a time when you wonder if the thing you are beleiving God for is ever going to come to pass. Sometimes, it seems that the prayer or the confession has died. It is during this time that the work in the spiritual realm is being done. However, if you begin to doubt that those things which you prayed will come to pass then you may well stop that work. The spiritual forces who work for us can only work with faith. They need us to believe by using faith-filled words.

Decide this week that you will speak only faith-filled words and God will bless you, ubandantly.

Thank you for supporting this ministry. I love you all so much

In Christ,

Pastor David Ighile
Cell: 072 685 2545
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