Thursday, August 9, 2007

I SHALL NOT DIE! Bishop David Ighile Sermon: Sunday 05 August 2007


Scripture References:
- Psalm 118: 17: 23-24
- Isaiah 54: 14
- Isaiah 45;1-8
- John 4: 22-24

" I shall not die but live; and declare the works of the Lord" (Psalm 118:17)

The Lord is marvelous! Shout marvelous! Say; I will live and prosper! I shall not die! I will shine; I will make it! No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper!

“In righteousness you shall be established” I see God establishing you in righteousness! God will terrorize your enemies. I say you are moving forward! May God terrorize your enemies; May God attack your attackers. They will surrender to you! They are ALL under your feet! The One who comes from heaven is above all! I am looking at you with the Eyes of God. You are above all. You are above all!

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him” (John 4: 23 NKJV)
God does not want us to worship him according to human ideas. We are to worship according to God’s own infallible revelation as found in the Bible. And as we gather together to worship in God’s way, we are told in Hebrews 12:22-24 that we are worshiping with all elect angels and all God’s saints, in the heavenly places and upon this earth. There are angels all over this church. The word of God says “You have come to an innumerable company of angels”. That is why I say it is time for this church to worship God in spirit and in truth!

How many true worshipers do we have in the house? THE TIME HAS COME! I SAY THE TIME HAS COME. God wants Christians who are going to worship Him in spirit and in truth. God wants people who are going to worship Him whether He blesses them or not. God wants true worshipers. True worshippers are chosen people, property of God, the blood purchased, for the purpose of proclaiming the great work of God and declaring the praises of Jesus Christ to a stiff-necked people who want only their own way in life. True worshipers STAND in the heat of the battle as they prayerfully trust in the Lord and walk in obedience to Him. True worshipers are not in the church because they want something!

I was talking to a lady recently. She told me she left the church after she was disappointed by the music director of the church. They had a relationship and the guy decided he wanted out. The lady was traumatized and she left the church. She left Jesus for a person! Look, you cannot do that. If you are in this church for any other reason rather than JESUS, God is seeking for you! God is seeking for True worshipers who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. God is seeking for true worshipers. Don’t come to church because you are after ‘something’. He is a rewarder of those who seek Him diligently. Those who seek Him diligently shall find Him.

Maybe you are seeking something. You’re seeking God for something! you WANT something. From Him.- "I want God to do something for me". "I want financial help." "I want to get my finances sorted out." "YOU WANT; YOU WANT FROM GOD! Maybe you even want to get your spirit sorted. "Do it, God, please!" Maybe you say: "I want that job", "That promotion." Or even Accommodation or a house! Maybe you want to overcome your lack or your brokenness. You want God to take away this worry, this fear. Maybe you want a partner, you want to get married; you want this and that from God! Do you want these things? Is that where your focus has been?- maybe you’re frustrated because God’s not coming up with the goods?Maybe you think He doesn’t care? if you want God to do what YOU require of Him… are you doing what He requires of you First? Are you? Are you doing your bit? Seriously? Or do you think God can be fooled…. He’s some kind of slot machine? SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD. This is what we are to seek- and if we look to this… to God’s will… He’ll look to our needs. Worries. Fears, etc.He promises that if we seek this first- He’ll look after everything else, even the church. - WE are to seek first the kingdom. He says ’I will build my church’. He takes full responsibility for it.

The time has come for this church to make a decision to worship God in spirit and in truth. God is seeking for faithful people and not rebellious people; Are you going to eat the good of the land? God wants your obedience. Where there is no obedience, there is no growth. God wants you to have the faith of Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego. He wants you to say; WHETHER GOD BLESSES ME OR NOT; WHETHER HE HELPS ME OR NOT; HE IS STILL GOD AND I WILL WORSHIP HIM, IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH!

I want to ask you something; where is your life as Christian heeding for? Where are you going? Listen my sister and my brother, God wants to partner with you; SHIFT YOUR FOCUS AND PRIORITIES. Will you let the King in, this morning? The kingdom in, to your hearts and priorities? Will you shift your priorities? or, have you put your hands to the plough, but now you are looking back?, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.".

As for me, I have decided to follow JESUS. No turning back for me. No turning back! You must make a decision now to change your priorities and seek first God’s rule and God’s reign in YOUR heart. Worship Him in spirit and in Truth.

If you want to re-commit yourself again; if you want to make a shift in your life – come to the front, I will pray for you. This is not an alter call for those who are not saved. No. This is a call for those who want to re-commit themselves to serving God with all their hearts, their minds and their souls. This is a call for those who want to shift everything else away and put Jesus First, in everything.


Grace be with you all. Amen

Bishop David Ighile

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AND SO SHALL IT BE PASTOR! SO SHALL IT BE! THE WORD OF THE LORD IS PROVEN. IT WORKS. YOU ARE ASLO BLESSED, IN JESUS NAME. MAY GOD GRANT YOU THE DESIRE OF YOUR HEART, THIS WEEK. HE WILL BECAUSE I AM ASKING AND BELEIVING, AND HIS WORD SAYS; " Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, beleive that you receive them, and you will have them". (Mark 11:24).