Wednesday, August 29, 2007


But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40: 31 NKJV).

(Exodus 19:4 NLT) “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You know how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself”

We All Have An Eagle in us. I believe that every person has an eagle in them – if they are born again. If you think you do not have an eagle in you, make a choice to have one today!

Deep inside, we all have the makings of an eagle. Are you willing to dig deep in order to find the eagle that is residing within? Then be part of this program. Come and learn how you can “dig out’ the eagle in you and live a victorious life that God has designed for you!
Let me tell you briefly the lifestyle of the eagle. Eagles can live 50 – 60 years which is a long life for a bird! One of the reasons they live so long is that they are careful about their diet. Eagles spend most of their days looking for the right foods to eat. They avoid what other birds eat – like dead and decaying animals. Usually the eagle goes after fresh food – like fish which he snatches from shallow waters. He also looks for other live animals like ducks, rats, turtles, rabbits and snakes. He refuses to settle than the very best.
(So you see, if you and I are going to live like eagles – we must be careful about our daily spiritual diet).

We are called to manifest His glory. This is something only eagle Christians can do. You cannot be like a chicken. Chicken are ‘nice’ food but it ends there!

No one thinks of glory when they see a crow or a chicken; but as soon as we see an eagle soaring in the sky, we are reminded of the majesty, excellence and power of God.
As Christians, we were meant to go higher!

Maybe, you have noticed the shape of an eagle. It has the shape of a weight lifter. A powerful chest, a narrow waist, and powerful thighs. An eagle is very strong, for instance the African Crowned Eagle has been known to kill antelopes weighing up to fifty pounds. Not only are eagles strong, they are big too! Eagles have a wing span up to 7 1/2 feet, and can weigh as much as twenty pounds.

Again, listen brothers and sisters; the eagle’s size and strength is not derived from a diet of dead or rotten meat. The eagle prefers a diet of fresh meat, a diet of high protein. Maybe, we can also learn from the eagle. Maybe we can learn not to feast on the dead rotten things of this world. But, instead feast daily upon the pure fresh things of God.
Unlike most animals, eagles do very well in storms. For instance, most animals seek out a place to hide during a storm. Not the eagle. The eagle will actually challenge a storm. He will walk right out into the midst of a storm, and look up to where he last saw the sun.
The clouds, the lighting, the loud thunder won’t distract him. Why? Because he has his bearing set upon the sun. And, when the storm becomes intense that’s when the eagle mounts up and flies right to where he last saw the sun. All of a sudden he breaks through the storm and the sun is drying his feathers and the sun is giving him an anointing that he would have never found hiding under a rock.

You see friends, when the devil brings a storm your way you don’t hide among the rocks and the trees like the turkeys and buzzards. As a believer in God, you place your eyes upon the Son of Righteousness. You call upon His name. The Name above all names! My friends, there are spiritual lessons to be learned from an eagle, if we would only learn to use them!
When God designed the eagle, He designed a special bird. It did not arrive by some bacteria from another planet. The eagle was designed by the Almighty God. It is the only creature with the ability to look directly into the rays of the sun. God designed the eagle with special eyelids, so that he may keep his eyes toward the sun. And, because the eagle is the king of the air, he has many enemies. One enemy of the eagle is the Condor.

The Condor is the world’s heaviest flying bird of prey. They can weigh over 25 pounds, and have a wingspan of about 10 feet. Like the buzzards the Condors feed on dead animals. The Condor hates the eagle. So where ever an eagle flies he must be on the look out for his enemy, the Condor. In battle, the Condor will try to claw the eagle, but the eagle doesn’t stay and fight instead, he mounts up and begins to fly, and he doesn’t fly to the left, he doesn’t fly to the right, he doesn’t fly to mom, nor does he fly to dad. Instead, he flies directly toward the sun. (you see, the devil is not a factor. He is already defeated. Don’t waste your time thinking about him. Every time he challenges you, be provoked to fly higher! Don’t look to the left or to the right because you have angels all around you!) The Condor tries to catch the eagle but soon he is blinded by the sun and has to turn away and fall off.

Oh, brothers and sisters when the devil is at your heels, you do not have to stay and fight. All you have to do is turn your eyes toward the Son of Righteousness who will never fail nor forsake you. It is there that we will find safety from the devil. There are indeed spiritual lessons to be learned from an eagle, if we would only learn to use them.
To mate, he mates for life just like a dove. When he finds a lady, he will join her in the air and they will lock claws, then he will put his wings around her and they will drop out of the sky like they’ve been shot. She will never attempt to get away, she will never struggle, but she puts her life into his wings.
And, when they get almost to tree top level, he will throw open his wings and she will throw open her wings and they will fly back to the top of the sky. They will lock claws again this time she will put her wings around him, and he will put his life into her wings. And, they will fall, he does not struggle, he does not try to get way, but for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer unto death do them part, he puts his trust into her.

Listen brothers and sisters, we are called to be God's eagle Christians, but many of us have been content to live the chicken life, confined to barnyard limitation in their spirit. A barnyard to the believer is any attitude, any mindset, and any lifestyle that restricts us from being or accomplishing all that God has purposed for us to be or do in life. Our barnyard is that comfort zone we like to live in because it makes no demands of us that will challenge us to change. God calls to us in our barnyard and challenges us to spread our wings of faith and come up higher. Some respond and get as high as the barnyard post and settle there feeling like they've really accomplished something. But they need to make another jump of faith and set their wings in the promises of God's Word and let the wind of the Holy Ghost lift them up.
“So he answered and said to me: "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ’Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6 NKJV)

After this program – you will go out to the world, to the storms, to the challenges – AND TO VICTORY - with the attitude that God is in charge and will carry you through whatever you need to do!
Here’s the deal… Satan is a defeated foe! Our problem is that we don’t believe it.

(Colossians 2:15 NLT)” In this way, he (Jesus) disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.
Jesus DISARMED him and made a public example by his victory on the cross”

The devil is a defeated foe and all we need to do is remind him of that!

When we get into agreement with God about this – it releases the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to help us go do what we could never do. I preached last Sunday and said we have the key of the kingdom of heaven:
(Matthew 16:19 NKLV “ And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” The heaven Jesus was talking about here isn't the heaven where God resides. He was talking about the battle zone, about the heaven where Satan's forces are operating. He was telling us that God has given us power to bind the wicked spirits in heavenly places and to loose the angelic powers of God to work in our behalf. We have been given a Name which is above every name, and at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow! Where? In heaven, in earth and under the earth. That covers it all!

As believers, we have total authority over the powers of Satan. We can take authority over the evil spirits that are trying to destroy the world We can take authority over them in the Name of Jesus and pull down their strongholds! I know we can! The devil is a liar. Look at what happened to the children of Israel. The Bible says that God brought them out of Egypt. He dealt with Pharaoh with signs and wonders – one after another. Pharaoh had a plan for their destruction BUT GOD had a plan for their deliverance.

Satan has a plan for your destruction. He hates your guts.

If it wasn’t for the grace of God – not one of us would be able to stay alive for 24 hours.

Like in the story of Joseph. Satan had a plan for your destruction but God had a call on your life. That is why you are here today. Satan was using the people around him to destroy Joseph. Sometimes Satan will use those around you also. Sometimes they don’t even know they are being used and are thinking that they are doing God a service.

Acts 7:9 says Jacob’s sons were jealous of their brother Joseph. They sold him into slavery, and he was taken to Egypt. But God was with Joseph… You need to know that GOD is with you and no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises against you in judgment you shall condemn (Isaiah 54:17).

It is God who carried and carries us on eagle’s wings. It’s by his grace that we are where we are. Only believe, and God will work! Be in the group that is going to enter into the promised land – remember, your heavens are open, but its up to you to focus. Only a few of the children of Israel made it to the promised land. It was an 11 day trip across the desert (Deut. 11:2). Why would they wander around the desert for 40 days when it was only an 11 day trip?

To me, this is a sad story of the Bible but it’s something we understand because we all do it today. We go around the same mountains over and over. We wander around in our flesh and our carnality while God wants us to rise up in the Spirit and enter the promise land. Do you know why they wandered? around out there – because they thought they had a better idea than God. We could make it through the wilderness at a high rate of speed if we would just settle in our minds that whatever God’s tells us to do we will do it.

We’re not going to argue or fight with God. We’re not going to demand that he gives 25 signs and wonders, etc. When Jesus did his first miracle by turning water into wine – I really like what Mary’s mother said to the servants – “whatever he says to you – DO IT.”
Listen, learn to do what the prophet of God tells you. You will prosper. Attend the programs that are announced in the church. Don’t stay at home please! The prophet does not speak on his own authority. He speaks what the Lord tells him! The prophet is a chosen instrument who hears from God through various levels of communication and is chosen to speak as His representative. His words are not his own but are given from a Higher Source, and are meant to bring hope and enrichment to the individual and community.

Do what I tell you. THAT’S THE MATERIAL FOR MIRACLES! Whatever Jesus says to you, through me – do it. Always remember; YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO GOD.
Every one of you – your dreams, your hopes, your desires are important to God. Your problems are important to God. He knows how many hairs you have on your head. He’s counted every tear that you’ve shed. YOU ARE IMPPORTANT TO GOD and HE LOVES YOU! He will help you, He will help me. And why does God help us? God doesn’t help us because we deserve it but because He is good!

(Deuteronomy 9:3- 6 TL)” But the Lord your God will go before you as a devouring fire to destroy them, so that you will quickly conquer them and drive them out. Then, when the Lord has done this for you, don’t say to yourselves, ‘The Lord has helped us because we are so good!’ No, it is because of the wickedness of the other nations that he is doing it. It is not at all because you are such fine, upright people that the Lord will drive them out from before you! I say it again; it is only because of the wickedness of the other nations, and because of his promises to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that he will do it. I say it yet again: Jehovah your God is not giving you this good land because you are good, for you are not--you are a wicked, stubborn people”
It’s not about what we do or our righteousness but it is about God and who He is and His righteousness.

There is so much that happens in our life that we never see. God is working even when we don’t see him working. His timing is not our timing – but in the meantime – He is carrying me & you on eagle’s wings.

Trust that God is going to get you from point A to point B. Y can’t keep jumping off his wings when you don’t see or understand what is going on around you. In the meantime – learn to rejoice in the Lord and develop a thankful heart for what God has given you.
Enjoy where you are right now. Enjoy the journey. Walk in faith. Our journey IS our destination!
Make sure you come to church on the Saturday of the GATHERING OF THE EAGLES. The meeting will change your life forever! You will cross your Red Sea. This is my faith! You will never be the same again. Sometimes – even when you don’t have enough faith – God will send others who have enough faith to push you along and get you across your Red Sea. Hebrews 11:29 (NLT) “ It was by faith that the people of Israel went right through the Red Sea as though they were on dry ground. But when the Egyptians tried to follow, they were all drowned.” It wasn’t the children of Israel’s faith that carried them away from Egypt it was the faith of Moses. He became eagle’s wings to them.
Like I said on Sunday, the year is not over yet! Make sure you are part of this gathering, you will learn how to live like an eagle and you will do great exploits. Soar like an eagle. Don’t ‘flap’ like a chicken! Remember, God is with you and will help you: “Fear not for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 NKJV).
God is on your side. Power is on your side. Isaiah 46:4 (NLT)” I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.”


We will keep you posted on all the nice things that are going to happen on that day – for example; we are planning to sell tickets to raise funds for projects of the church. The tickets should be available soon. Your ticket will guarantee you a best seat and refreshments at the end of the service.

For more information; you can email us on the church’s email address:, or contact me directly on: 072 685 2545.

You are a Blessing
Bishop David

(2 Corinthians 7:1 NLT)” Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God”

(2 Corinthians 6:17-18 NLT) “Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you. And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

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