Thursday, July 19, 2007


Messages Posted By: Bishop David: Thursday 19th July 2007:

We are spiritually & prayerfully preparing for our POWERFUL 3-Day Crusade in our church in BENONI, SOUTH AFRICA on the dates quoted above. Please make sure you attend this program. make yourself available to at least three of the five services we will be having in the three days. You cannot afford not to be in this crusade.

Listen TO ME: The greatest desire of a Born Again Child of God is, and should be to know God and what you have in Him, His provisions/gifts and what you have at your access. How to maximize the utilization of these provision and to activate them. This crusade will 'take out' what is inside of you already; this crusade will bring that forth! Amen; your healing; your financial solutions; peace in your family and in your life; everything that the enemy took from you, you are claiming & taking back by force! Everything that God promised and you beleived and stood on the word, is coming back to you. No sweat, God is already preparing to give it back to you - but you have to be in the crusade where this appointment is, next week-end! Make an appointment with Jesus. He will be there and He will DO IT for you!!! We thank God for His Faithfullness! Come and be 'quickened'. God is already preparing the anointed men of God to 'TAKE OUT" what is inside of you. GOD WILL STOOP DOWN TO MAKE YOU GREAT! COME AND RECEIVE YOUR GREATNESS. WE ALREADY THANK GOD FOR HIS WORD!

We have invited two powerful men of God: An Apostle Solomon from Benin City, Nigeria & Evangelist Chris, also from Nigeria, Lagos. Beleive me you will not be able to resist the power of God working in your life, taking out what is inside you, to make you what you are supposed to be in Christ! Come and receive your promotion! It is time for you to move from your present comfort zone towards your REAL BLESSINGS! What you have now may look good but is is not the FULL PACKAGE! God wants to give you ALL! Divine Peace, Divine Health, Divine Love, Divine Everything! I said in my sermon that your enemies will not see your downfall because you are not going to fall! Greater is He that is in you than the one who is in the world! You are a child of God, you cannot merely exist! No! there is something in your belly that must come out! There is greatness in you!

I also want to share with you inspiring & Holy Ghost filled messages from other two powerful men of God from a powerful television ministry that I subcribe to. I must share with you these messages as they are so blessing! One article that blessed me tremendously this morning is titled: "ITS TRANSITION TIME" We've been saying: "IT IS TIME FOR YOUR MIRACLE", but here are some ground rules of how you should really claim your miracle - THE WILL OF GOD. Please also refer to an article that was posted this morning: ENDURANCE By an Apostle Undrai Fizer. You will be able to tap on to what God is Saying to you. This is an encouragement for me too as the men of God are used by the Spirit of God to usher us to our blessings. To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT! Over and over and over and over again. I say: BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT. Gordon Robertson of says of the Holy Spirit: "
Every time we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, it is God’s breath on us. Just imagine that. It is not a one-time thing. I think Christians today have gotten into the baptism of the Holy Spirit as some kind of one event. We have got that in Acts chapter 2, but we fail to look forward to Acts chapter 4 where they get baptized in the Holy Spirit again. It says very clearly in Acts chapter 4 they were all filled with the Holy Spirit as they were in a prayer meeting: "After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God boldly." So it is not just in Acts chapter 2; it is also in Acts chapter 4. This means we can be filled with the Spirit continually.
I was at a tremendous meeting in February with John and Carol Arnot from the Toronto Fellowship. They asked me to speak. I started speaking at 8:00. I was tired going into it, but I just got energized, filled with the Holy Spirit during that. At that time, it went from 8:00 until midnight. If you can imagine that: four hours. At the end of it I was absolutely energized. I was so filled with the Holy Spirit it seemed like anything was possible. The next day, I was driving into the studio, and I was praying on my way in. I was kind of grumbling and complaining and saying, "Lord God, why can’t that sort of 'thing' go with me all the time?" And God spoke to me very clearly, "Why do you get out of the river?" I thought about that. I said, "Well, why do I?"
We don’t have to. We don’t have to walk around as if there are some moments when we’re filled with the Spirit and other moments when we’re not. We can be continually filled with His Presence. It all has to do with how we think about it. If we actually think that in Him we live and move and have our being, that our very breath as we breathe in, we can be filled with God Almighty. Just imagine how that will transform your life! The baptism in the Holy Spirit is not a one-time event. It can be a continuous thing for all who believe.
I want you to take that thought with you through the day, through the month, through the year. I think Christians now more than ever need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, need to be filled with His authority, really need to have the power of God working in their lives. We live in unsafe times. It is not a time for us to take off the Armor of God and go relax. We need to be fully armed, fully prepared with the Holy Spirit

What more can I say? I fully agree with the man of God. Now be blessed more by this other article below!
Bishop David Ighile

By Scott Presson: CBN Staff Writer

It’s transition time. All over the Kingdom of God and throughout the Church the word of the hour is “transition”. We keep hearing that but what does it mean. Are we all in transition? If so, is your transition going to spill over and affect my transition?

It does seem as if God is telling the whole Christian body to take a few steps forward. In those steps, we’ll probably step on each others feet. I imagine there’s going to be more than a few of us pushing and shoving. Some of us are going to want to move forward. Others will want to stand still or move backwards.

Let’s face it; God’s will is always changing us. He is always transforming us and molding us to be something different than we are. In the Word, God even refers to Himself as a potter and we are His clay. It’s an easy image to see. A lump of clay is shaped into a vessel and then refined in the fire until it is becomes purified and hardened. Only then is worthy of use.
Change is never comfortable but it is a fact of life and it is the will of God. We are changed as we grow in age and maturity. We are changed when we accept Christ into our hearts. We are changed as we move deeper into a relationship with God and accept His will in our lives.
God is refining us in His furnace. God is molding us into vessels that glorify Him. This time of transition is going to make us feel uncomfortable but it is God’s will. We all have certain things in life that we want and even have planned for. Some of those plans will undoubtedly be disrupted. Don’t fret.

Here’s what the Bible says:
"You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail." (Proverbs 19:21)
God’s purpose is going to happen no matter what you and I plan. We need to be patient with each other as never before. In other words, we’re going to have to look and act like Christians. We’re going to have to bear one another’s burdens and be willing to overlook each others faults. We’re going to have to learn to let those very real hurts and offenses go quickly. We’re going to have to react out of love instead reacting out of spite. It’s not going to be easy. God’s Word says He is returning for a Church without spot or wrinkle. How will we ever be that Church without going through the fire of refinement? We must press in and through.
If transition is the word of the hour, humility is the path to peace. If we act out of humble hearts we will demonstrate to ourselves and to God that we are the people He wants us to be. Only then will Jesus be glorified and only then will the world see a group of loving and united believers fulfilling their destiny. Now is the time of harvest. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t be frightened. Be encouraged!! It’s promotion time!! But we must enter in like never before. We must be servants towards each other.

Here are our marching orders. Here is the blueprint to live a life worthy of our calling. Here is the way to walk by faith and not by sight:
Philippians 2:1 Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? 2 Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose. 3 Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. 4 Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. 5 Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had.

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